Entries "General":

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Central Banker Heaven and the U.S. Economy

Last Friday I attended the Business Forecast Luncheon in Dallas, sponsored by the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. Guest speakers were Dr. Robert Aliber, Professor of International Economics and Finance (Emeritus) at the University of Chicago and Dr. Harvey Rosenblum, Executive Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The talks were excellent as they were last year.

What really drives me to write this post is that we are seeing Alan Greenspan retire. When I think about things, he?s close to the only central banker that I have experienced during my entire adult/business life, where Greenspan has reigned for some 18+ years. Central banking has an important effect on business and the health of the economy, and this something that the luncheon speakers are renowned experts on.

The general consensus was that Alan Greenspan will go to ?Central Banker Heaven?. More on this later.

While last year?s forecasts focused on the deficit and the exchange rates, what came to the forefront this year were three things that will impact the economy for the next twelve months. These are: the (deflating) housing bubble, term structure of interest rates (and the inverted yield curve), and the philosophies and makeup of the new chairman (Ben Bernanke).

Although I will gloss over the individual perspectives of the two speakers, my general takeaways on the three areas were the following:

  • Housing bubble is deflating ? Apparently in the areas of concern (e.g., Boston, Southern FL, CA), prices are starting to fall 10%ish. Well-known builder, Toll Brothers, has had its stock price fall some 50% (note I have not verified), plus they have cut back their forecast out building. Inventories are starting to build up. If one subscribes to a doom-and-gloom forecast, housing bubbles have led to price declines of an additional 40%.
  • Inverted yield curve is disturbing ? In 8 of 9 times when the yield curve inverted, the economy has slumped into a recession within one year.
  • New chairman philosophically tends towards being a price-level setting person, as opposed to one that takes a long-term view of the economy first ? Price-level setting philosophies, involve having a target inflation rate in mind, and then set the interest rates to obtain that rate. In some countries, this policy is taken to an ?extreme? where concern for other factors, such as unemployment rates, are ignored. Wild cards in the U.S. include the fact that the international world is less stable, and that long-term energy/oil impacts associated with unstable countries (which may each comprise 5% to 6% of supply) should not be ignored when pursuing price-level setting at the central bank.

So all-in-all, the forecast for the U.S. economy over the next twelve months was mildly positive, with some areas for attention. The March meeting for the central bank will be key, as this will shed some light on how the new Fed chairman handles his new role.

Which brings me to my earlier about getting into Central Banker Heaven. Greenspan has been praised by having all of the key skills and a performance record:

  • an ability to show independence from the administration and partisan views
  • deep knowledge of history and economics (which both Greenspan and Bernanke share)
  • inflation-fighting skills with a long-term view.

But in some sense, while Greenspan has had all of these skills, it could be argued that he also got lucky (being good and lucky is the best of all worlds). During Greenspan?s tenure, he did not have to deal with chronic problems. Now, Ben Bernanke has a tough and important job ahead of him. He has a chronically unstable international world to deal with, and he has to show his inflation-fighting abilities with a long-term view that people like Greenspan so carefully considered.

I thank Alan Greenspan for his service. I wish Ben Bernanke the best of luck for our people and future generations.

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Posted by: sshu
Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Blogs In Management (Also Management Consulting Blogs?)

I just discovered the blog of management guru David Maister, acknowledged as one of the world's authorities on the management of professional services firms. I particularly like David's Fast Company article from 2002, "Are All Consultants Corrupt?" because it touches on topics that one needs to address regularly as a management consultant, particularly about how can one ensure that one produces services that one can be both proud of from an ethical point of view and a quality of product perspective. To this, all I can say is that one should leave the management consulting profession if ethics and quality can't be met.

But the real purpose of this post was to point to David's post on internal blogs as a management tool. His text here gets at a real pain point linked to diseconomies of scale in management:

As firms get larger, more dispersed and more complex, the disaffection of partners (in professions and businesses of all kinds) is becoming more evident. I get calls all the time enquiring about my availability to consult on the issue of partners? unhappiness and their feeling that they are treated like employees in an increasingly corporate culture.

I am a believer that blogs can help with this sort of thing (essentially flattening the communication structure associated with complex organization structures). That said, blogs are not a panacea for organizations and managers that do not know how to 1) use written communications to complement the management style and 2) deal with the semi-structured and dynamic nature of the blog medium. These latter items are table stakes in my opinion, but they can be easily underestimated.

In the comments section of David's post, I was also encouraged to learn of a tip that Ernst & Young may be using blogs internally. I have blogged before about consulting firms using/not using blogs (e.g., here, here, here). It's good to hear of more activity in the consulting area and to learn of consulting/management blogs like David's.

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Posted by: sshu
Sunday, January 29, 2006

My Brief Notes On The Avian Flu

This past week I was researching some telecom reports, and I happened to run across an outlier in the corporate mix that caught my eye. It was a Gartner report, entitled "Prepare for Avian Influenza: Our Interview With the World Health Organization's Dr. David Nabarro" (sorry - subscription required).

Now I don't follow the management consulting and other firms that specialize in risk management and human resources that closely, so I thought I would check their sites out for a peek. Marsh has some information on the avian flu here. AON has something over here.

Companies and organizations do not seem prepared. A survey by the Deloitte Center for  Health Solutions appears to indicate that 66% of companies do not feel adequately prepared (poll of 179 companies). Instapundit points out how hospitals could barely keep up with the normal flu here. When I step back from the business aspects and whether companies can withstand prolonged labor shortages of 30%+, etc, I am a bit more concerned that communities and families may not be prepared. At least I find myself not quite fully informed to a level that hits close to home, despite all of the press.

So I have started to make some mental notes from research reports, like those from Gartner, that hit close to home. Maybe readers will have other sources of info to share.

From the Gartner report (note Dr. Nabarro is the highest medical authority, the U.N.'s top official for global pandemic response planning), here are my key notes:

  • "in the last 200 years, there have been pandemics at intervals of every 30 to 40 years, on average" - so if even if one doesn't have to be concerned about it, there could be an impact on one's children or their children
  • "modellers are [saying] that it may be as few as 21 days from the initial appearance of the virus to it being a full-blown pandemic" - note that the increased mobility of people shortens the cycle-time of viruses spreading ; I ask myself, how and how fast would I personally react once something hit the continent, country, or city I live in?
  • Dr. Nabarro indicated he is not sure (because he doesn't know enough about how corporations work) whether corporate CEOs should assign senior executives to coordinate their response to avian flu

It seems the World Bank estimates economic damage from an avian flu pandemic could cause $800 billion in economic damage. To put that number in perspective, Hurricane Katrina damages were estimated at $125 billion. A sickening of 90 million Americans as stated here - gee, that would be out of a population of 296 million Americans according to the CIA World Factbook. My wife and I can barely control flu in the household between kids let alone if one of every three people in the entire US is sick. What would you do?

I suppose after writing all of this down, I am not more prepared for an avian flu pandemic than I was before, but I do find myself at a heightened level of awareness. That's probably at least one step forward.

Update (1/29/06): As an aside, raders have choices of stockpiling N95 masks approved by the CDC or apparently, Kimchi (which I despise the smell and taste of).

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Posted by: sshu
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Perceptual Mapping: What Does Your Cell Phone Say About You?

Last week I was reading a detailed research report regarding cell phones in order to get a more structured understanding of the consumer marketplace as it relates to upstream B2B vendors.

Now in business school, one may learn about concepts such as perceptual mapping, a combination of numerical factor-analysis and marketing technique that may be used to graphically place vendor products in a two-dimensional chart, where the products may have many more underlying features which actually makeup the products. Wikipedia has a sample chart here, to give you an idea of what perceptual maps look like. What is nice about certain-types of perceptual maps is that the charts are borne out of people?s actual market behaviors or expressed preferences (as opposed to some ad-hoc or opinion-driven marketing method).

In the report I was reading, there was a picture of a less-frequently used perceptual map that grabbed my attention. Basically instead of products, the perceptual map placed cell phone features (e.g., calendar, push-to-talk, text messaging) on a two-dimensional map with the axes ranging from a) low- to high-technological advancement and b) high-entertainment to high-utility.

Based on the features (each a point) on this perceptual map, one could identify five primary clusters of points. These clusters were essentially viewed as market segments of mobile phone consumers and were divided as follows:

  1. Picture people (camera phone lovers)
  2. Gotta-have-it-all types (e.g., Motorola RAZR types)
  3. Plain old telephone people (basic phone users)
  4. Organized telephone people (e.g., like calendar features in the phone)
  5. Always on-the-road types (e.g., like productivity & synchronization functions)

It?s funny when you look at the high probability demographics for these mobile phone segments (and I will take some liberties here to boil down the paragraph of demographics to a few words (demographics match the listing order above and have *not* been written to be politically correct):

  1. females, without children, poor
  2. males, dumb, low income
  3. females, married, dumb, poor
  4. females, married, poor
  5. males, married, highly educated

I fall into the organized telephone or plain telephone crowd with my basic Siemens flip-phone. What does that say about me? I?ve never really cared too much about image, but what am I communicating to people by my use of phone? Is your ringtone a mating call in disguise? What does your phone say about you?

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Posted by: sshu
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Leadership Is An Innate Skill?

I saw a recent post that raised the question as to whether leadership skills are innate (and cannot be learned). Leadership is a bit of an ill-defined term, so I?m not exactly sure about the context of the original discussion triggering the post, but at face value I have to say that innate skills can help but instilling a continuous learning process about one?s own leadership style (and that of others) can also help dramatically. What I share below intends to illustrate not only that one can build knowledge to help with leadership skills but also that one may find little progress on a day-to-day basis until one day when it all comes together.

Two areas that created an ?ah-ha? for me with respect to helping me recognize my leadership style were related to going to business school and getting support from a client executive to develop the business skills one of his line managers. Had it not been for these two events, I probably would have turned out as an engineer focused on individual contributor work as opposed to a person focused on business within the technology space. While either of the outcomes is perfectly fine, I am happier that I have found the business slant is more the ?natural me?.

The first step in going to business school helped me to develop my leadership skills by explicitly forcing me to focus on thinking about and analyzing business issues, as opposed to passively addressing business issues while working on the job. Business school also gave me an extra level of confidence in knowing that I had spent dedicated time to try to improve my knowledge.

The second step may have occurred, in part, by chance. During a management consulting engagement I was involved with, I was sitting in a three-person, executive review meeting with one of the partners of my consulting firm and the president of the company. The upshot of the meeting was that one of the functional managers was not performing too well and both the president and the partner wanted me to coach the functional manager to help him take his management skills up by an order of magnitude or the functional manager would be fired. What followed from there was some behind the scenes work in analyzing how to approach the situation and then direct assistance with the functional manager to improve the business. After that particular client engagement, things started ?clicking? for me, and I was able to get into both interim and direct management roles more regularly to foster my leadership skills.


The upshot of all this is that combining knowledge, practice, and a real environment to foster one?s management and leadership skills helped me to breakthrough and reach a new level (one-time, discontinuous improvement as opposed to gradual change). While the process of improvement may have taken many years with slow growth, I was suddenly able to get things to click together.

I have found similar discontinuous improvements in other areas of life. For example, in tennis, I remember going to tennis camp and getting a breakthrough on getting better control with my one-handed backhand. In drumming, I started to study a completely different style of music (jazz fusion instead of just progressive rock music drumming). The knowledge had to sit for awhile, but one day it all clicked and took me up a notch when I least expected it. If I hadn?t prepared for the time when the conditions and environment were right, I wouldn?t have reaped the benefits. Sometimes I think working on leadership skills might be in the same vein.

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Posted by: sshu
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