Revisiting Post On Why (Intranet) Corporate Blogging Works

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Back in May, Hugh Macleod had a post (and signature cartoon/illustration) on why corporate blogging works. I thought it would be useful to highlight to some of his text regarding using blogging for intranet and internal blogging purposes. He writes:

[AFTERTHOUGHT:] And yes, this works with internal blogs as well, poking holes in the membranes that seperate people within a corporate culture; aligning "the conversation" internally etc.

The other advantage of internal blogging is that it organises conversation into a long-term manageable form. Two people sharing ideas via blogs is a lot more permanent, viral and useful for the company than two people sharing the same information over by the watercooler.

A few 21Publish users have let me know about their use of our platform as a knowledge base and intranet. In the spirit of eating our own dog food, at 21Publish we also use the platform (since it has a built-in intranet) in this way. When I wanted to draw up my presentation on blogging and non-profits (see righthand sidebar for presentation), I was able to go to our intranet to locate good links and material that had already been gathered on the subject.

So if you are interested in using blogging in an intranet scenario out of the box, check out the whitepaper here on "Your Corporate Blogosphere" (pdf).

Update (7/22/05): I posted my own animation comparing email to blogging here. The point is to show how email is ad-hoc and disorganized (but instantaneous). Blogging on the other hand creates individually addressable pieces of content. This is a key thing forgotten by some people that just liken blogs to websites.

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Rusty on September 8, 2005 at 10:15 AM
Hi Steve,
I'm considering using blogging on my company's intranet and would love to read your whitepaper "Your corporate Blogosphere"... but the PDF seems to be corrupted (you can't open it - something about it not starting with %pdf).


Steve Shu (Homepage) on September 8, 2005 at 10:33 AM
Hi Rusty,
Thanks for the inquiry. I'll look into the issue with the PDF. It opens OK in my browser, but perhaps I corrupted something in the path inadvertently.
If you'd like to send me an email at sshu at 21publish dot com, I'd be more than happy to talk with you and give you a demo. Since this paper was written, we have a number of customers using intranet blogging in various ways (e.g., knowledge sharing, internal nuts and bolts training, corporate culture debates, leadership training).


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