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21Publish launches new classroom blogging product

March 26, 2007 – 21Publish Inc. announces the launch of 21Classes

21Publish Inc. has launched 21Classes, a multi-user blogging application specifically designed to create Classroom BlogPortals.

21Publish provides a hosted application that enables teachers to easily set up a private-label blogging community for their students. Key features of the new product include a class homepage to communicate with students and independent yet inter-connected blog accounts for students. A central console allows the teacher to manage students’ accounts with control over accounts and content including review capabilities of student entries. Will Richardson, a leading educational blogger and author, has been a consultant on this project.  

"Classroom BlogPortals can bring today's students into the world of web publishing at anytime and almost from anywhere" said Stefan Wiskemann, President. "Over the last year we have seen more and more teachers setting up Classroom BlogPortals for their students on 21Publish. So we felt it was high time to create a product that reflects the specific needs of teachers and students."

About 21Publish Inc.

21Publish is a turnkey software solution for creating your own private label blog service.
The 21Publish solution has fully customizable templates to support your design needs. It provides a centralized hub from which to build, manage, and deploy your group blogging service. As an on-demand solution you can easily scale the service according to your needs.
21Publish is located in the United States and Europe serving customers like Amnesty International, McGraw-Hill, and Emap. 21Publish is a spin-off of 20six/Myblog, a leading European blog service.

For more information:
Marcel Dembach,  +1 (718) 395-2192, EST; marcel.dembach at 21publish dot com