
Check our online help for any questions you may have.

How can I create profile schemes?

You have the option of creating advanced profile schemes where users can enter data beyond their address and e-mail. Simply add fields such as "Skill" where a user should enter the corresponding data within his or her profile page. When adding such a profile field, you need to go to "Community&Members->More options->Profile configuration". There you find a list of existing fields, and you can click "Add profile field" to add one. When adding such field, you need to choose a name and a type. The name is what will be displayed to the user, while the type refers to the kind of data you have in mind. Currently, you can choose between four different types: a single line of text (input field), multiple lines of text (text area), a single selection out of a list of values defined by yourself, and multiple selections out of a self-created list of values. Having added a text field, you find more options on your profile configuration page. Next to each name, you find a line "Template label". There, you can add a label that you might reference in your users "more about me" page when creating your own template files. If you do not upload your own "more about me" design for your users, you can leave the default value. For single or multiple selection items, you find a link "Edit options list". Clicking on that link leads you to a page where you can manage all available options of that list the user can later choose from. You can also upload a textfile containing all those options. Once you have uploaded such list, please keep in mind that uploading the same list again will remove all profile data of your users for that particular list, since the system does not know that it is the same list as before.

What are "Default weblog settings"?

When a new weblog is created within your portal, certain features are enabled or disabled by default. For example, you can define that all new weblogs should offer an RSS feed by default. Such settings can be configured at your "Default weblog settings" page within your portal administration. You can find this screen at "Community&Members->More options->Default weblog settings". The following options are available: Allow search engines to index the weblog: when disabled, the weblog tells search engines not to be indexed. It is up to the search engines whether they adhere to this setting or not. Display monthly archives: when enabled, a weblog displays links to monthly archives Offer RSS feed: decide whether a blog should offer an RSS feed by default or not Show calendar: for layouts supporting this feature, a calendar can be displayed or not Show summary page: when offering multiple categories, this feature displays a summary page containing entries from all categories Comment moderation: when turned on, new comments are not being published directly but need to be approved by the weblog owner first Ping weblog directories ( etc.): if enabled, those directories are being notified upon publication of new entries Show guestbook: display a link to a guestbook Show profile page: display a "more about me" page Show recent entries: show a short list of the 5 most recent entries of the blog in the sidebar Show recent comments: show the 5 most recent comments in the blog sidebar Send mail upon new comment: send an e-mail upon each new comment within a weblog

What are "Predefined groups"?

A predefined group is created by a portal administrator and are available to all members. Adding members to such group or removing them is only allowed for administrators. However, all members can use those groups to restrict read access to their entries and handle them as a standard reader group.

Do I need to offer my own Terms of Service?

No, not necessarily. However, you need to make sure your members understand that any posts violating the Terms of Service of 21Publish can be deleted or the corresponding accounts be closed. If unsure, please seek legal advise on this matter.

What is "Export user data"?

For further processing of your members' contact details you might need to have them in a standard text format. Thus, you can export your user data into a standard text file. The file is generated in csv format and can be stored directly onto your computer.

What is "Create new account" good for?

You can create additional accounts using "Create new" at "Community and Members -> Manage". Such an account can be given away to someone else so those users do not have to register themselves. Alternatively, you can create additional accounts for yourself, without having to go through your standard registration process each time. Such an account does not differ from an otherwise created account. The requested data corresponds to what you have defined as mandatory for registration.

When should I warn a member?

That decision is up to each portal administrator to decide. Possible reasons are violating terms of services or distributing illegal contact. Also, an appearance inappropriate for the respective portal community could be a reason to inform a member about their action. Generally, it's up to each portal administrator to decide whether some user violated existing rules and act accordingly.

How do I contact a user?

You can get in touch with a particular user at "Community and Members -> Manage". Just search for that user or show all and click the little e-mail icon on the right hand side. You can then send that person a message, either using a template or your own text. Some template texts might contain {0}. This is a wildcard character for the username and will be replaced with the username upon sending the message.

What happens to blocked members?

A blocked member cannot login anymore, and all weblogs of that member cannot be accessed anymore.

How do I unblock a blocked member?

Go to "Community and Members -> Manage" and search for the member. A blocked member is indicated by a red circle on the left hand side, and there is a green icon on the right hand side. Simply click that green icon and the user is unblocked.

How can I block a member?

Go to "Community and Members -> Manage" and search for the member. On the right hand side of the user you find a red circle. Simply click that icon and the user is blocked. Reactivating such an account can be done the same way, this time clicking a green icon at the same spot.

What is "Export statistics"?

You can get the activity of your portal daily, weekly or monthly by e-mail. Just go to the alphabetical feature index and choose "Statistics (Retrieve portal statistics by e-mail)", activate the export and select an interval. You then get the following data sent to you by e-mail (tab-separated for further processing): Number of registered users Number of registered users with at least one entry Number of users having posted within the last 24 hours Number of users having posted within the last 7 days Number of users having posted within the last 30 days Total number of comments in the portal of which are posted by external users, ie not-logged in at your portal Total number of entries of which are private

I would like to limit registrations to a particular e-mail domain.

You can enter an address range for e-mail addresses under "Community and Members ->Registration process". When a user tries to register with your portal, only those with e-mail addresses of that particular range are admitted. An e-mail address is considered to be in that range if its domain part matches a domain string you entered as address range. If you've entered "", only those e-mail addresses are accepted that end with "". Thus, "[email protected]" and "[email protected]" would be allowed, while "[email protected]" would be rejected. If you wanted to restrict e-mail addresses to a particular domain, you need to include the @-character. By entering "" only "[email protected]" would be admitted, while "[email protected]" would not. You can enter several different domains by separating them through semicolons.

Where can I define what's mandatory for user registration?

You can define all mandatory data required for user registration at "Community and Members -> Registration process". While username, password and e-mail address are always mandatory, you can make other data such as name or address optional. In addition, you may define an additional field the user has to fill out upon registration. Use this field to include student ID or favorite sports club, for example. Furthermore, you can limit registration to certain e-mail addresses. This allows you to automatically reject users coming from outside your organization. For example, you may enter "", which rejects "[email protected]", but not "[email protected]".

What are meta data?

Meta data are additional, yet usually to visitors invisible data about a website. They serve to provide search engines with further information about the corresponding site. Meta data can comprise keywords you would like your site to be found through search engines, or a description showing up on result pages of those search engines. There is no guarantee search engines take such data into account, yet usually they do. However, total length of your keywords should not exceed 255 characters. Otherwise, it might have a negative impact on the ranking of your site since search engines might think you are trying to manipulate them. In addition, you can prohibit search engines to visit and index your site. Yet this is more like a polite request than a technical barrier, though most search engines adhere to those settings.